London Welsh
Rugby Football Club
Incident Reporting Form: This form should be used for reporting player injuries and for all other incidents, such as for safeguarding concerns, health & safety etc.
First Aid Guide & Concussion Guidance: Creating and maintaining a safe environment for Players
Organising Team Rugby Tours: Essential guidance for organising Club Tours
Club Policies & Codes of Conduct
Safeguarding Guidance: Safeguarding Guidance Our policy toward protecting our young players
Codes of Conduct: Codes of Conduct Our Codes of Conduct outline the standards of behaviour to which we aspire from Club Members – Players, Match Officials, Spectators and Coaches
Equality, Diversity and Inclusiveness Policy: Our Club welcomes everyone
Data Privacy Notice: How and why we capture personal data and what we do with it
Photography Policy: Our policy towards photography
London Welsh Rugby Club Rules: Our Club Rules
Media & Communications Policy: Our Media & Communications Policy