London Welsh
Rugby Football Club

Haydn Parry
7 Mar 2024
Introducing Sam Mahoney
Many of you will know Sam, he locked the scrum for many a game in the early days of Project Reset. An outstanding scrummager who never took a step backwards. Sam is a recent addition to our Careers Hub Mentoring Team and brings unique qualities which complement our increasingly vast depth of mentoring expertise. Careers take many shapes and forms and as a mentoring team it is vital that our skills can address an exceptionally broad variety of individual needs, character traits and aspirations. Not everyone can easily slip into a recognised career path, often career development can be far from lateral but undulating. Sam’s experience can help empathise with those who feel they are an outlier, who may not fit a traditional mould and need real life insights how to navigate a career path that capitalises upon their own view of the world. Sam’s own career demonstrates that ‘untraditional’ can really work! Thank you Sam for offering your time and expertise to the Mentoring Team, it will be invaluable. Sam’s profile is outlined below and his rationale for joining our Team.
Interested in engaging with a Mentor or joining our rapidly expanding Mentoring Team? Please contact Marcus Wuest
Sam MahoneyBackground– Current Head of Buying & Supply Chain, Field & Flower– Ten years experience in the meat Industry, including transition from manual handson work (High Street Butchery) into Wholesale and account management, thentransition into buying and supply chain roles– Involved with London Welsh as a player – Player of the Season 2018/2019, 3 seasonsplayed before forced retirement from repeated concussions.– From Essex, found my way to London through University and Rugby.
What does mentoring mean to me?– An opportunity to help and guide people through the kind of path that I found – Ican imagine there are a lot of people out there feeling like they have chosen a pathto a bit of a career ceiling, but if you’re passionate about your speciality then you canfind a way up and up.– An opportunity to give back to London Welsh, a club which I still see now as my truehome club.– I currently have five direct reports in my role. I’m enjoying helping them progress,and think that they are all progressing well – I’ve never had anybody leave my teamexcept to move up through the company. I’d like to do this for London Welsh.– An opportunity to connect passionate people together, and be part of their journeyto a satisfying and fulfilling life – work takes up too much of your week to not beenjoying yourself while you’re there.– Experience hiring and firing across a range of different industries and situations, assomebody who’s a bit eccentric myself I would like to think I could help peoplenavigate different workplace situations and show themselves off and progress.– I’d like to think I would fill a gap in the LW Hub team that might be currently lackingas somebody on an unconventional career path, and surrounded by quiteunconventional people in my work, I could mentor somebody that doesn’t quite fitthe usual mould.